I'm a little more than six months into the grand public experiment I call Cachaçagora. I figure that it might be of interest to my readers if I share what I've observed this far.
Search Matters
Relative search volume for "cachaca" or "cachaça" in the United States, 2004 - 2008. Source: Google Insights for Search
Bartenders, look at the chart above. Your customers are searching for cachaça more now than in the past five years.
Another look at the chart shows that, in terms of U.S. search trends, the online interest in cachaça is at an all-time seasonal high. In fact, the trough of the seasonal search trend is about as high as the peak for past years, as the red line indicates.
It's fair to say that the degree to which people are inspired to search for something is the degree to which they're interested in something. If your bar hasn't started stocking cachaça and you haven't learned how to make a few cocktails with it, the time is now.
(And I happen to know of a site that does an okay job of tracking these things. Jus' sayin'...)
Brands Matter
The importance of brands has made itself known in my Google Analytics account, which I use to divine online cachaça interest by way of accesses to this site.
Half of the top ten search terms that people used to get to Cachaçagora were brands: Abelha (my first scoop!), Cabana, Leblon, Sagatiba, and Ypióca.
Six out of Cachaçagora's top ten most-accessed pages (not including the home page) featured brands: The category pages for Leblon, Sagatiba, and Ypióca, plus the reviews for Leblon, Sagatiba Pura, and Ypióca 160.
Personality Matters
The all-time most popular Cachaçagora post in a single day was the interview with Jeffrey Morgenthaler. This shouldn't be a surprise, really. In fact, to tell you the truth, it tells me that Cachaçagora has been a lot of "inside baseball" up to this point — I should really be interviewing more bartenders and sharing their experiences. (My wonderful graphic-designer wife has made some nifty leave-behind cards, which I plan on depositing on bartenders both in Chicago and around the world.)
Moving Forward
So, all of this gives me some ideas for what you can expect from Cachaçagora in 2009:
- If you are a bartender doing interesting things with cachaça, I want to hear from you. So do my readers. All that I ask is that you disclose any affiliations or brand relationships you may have.
- Look forward to more reviews as new products come out and I discover older ones. I've got at least five in draft form as I write this.
- As this site gets bigger, trying to navigate via the category links becomes less and less effective. So I've installed a Google Custom Search box for Cachaçagora in the right-hand margin.
- Going to try to get more updates from the in-laws in Rio. After all, my father-in-law's reaction to the first blind tasting got more play than the tasting itself!
Wishing all of you a great 2009!
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