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March 30, 2009


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Hi Phil,
We've got a lot in common. I'm a cachaça aficionado, married to a Brazilian, (used to) live in Chicago, and travel to Brazil frequently. I've also had the privilege of visiting multiple "alambiques" (distilleries) in Brazil. I am familiar with all of the brands that you've found at Sam's, except Aroma, so I was intrigued by the fact that you rated it 5 barrels. I am now on the hunt for it. -By the way, in case your readers missed it 51 and 61 refer to the year that the distilleries were founded (1951 & 1961). When I first saw 61 I immediately thought it was a cheap attempt at being a wanna be 51, but later learned the truth behind the brand names. Actually there are other brands by numbers in Brazil as well. None stand out as much as 51, which is one of the largest (volume) selling brands of any cachaça. -That is not an endorsement, however, as it is also an "industrial" product. Saúde!
Derek, fellow cachaça hound.

Hey, Derek!

Thanks for stopping by! Let me know if your travels take you to the Windy City!

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About Cachaçagora

  • Hi. My name is Phil Gomes. By day, I work at a public relations firm as its senior vice president of digital integration. I'm a proud SF East Bay native who currently lives in Chicago.

    I was introduced to cachaça by my wife, a Carioca. Her mom, in turn, is the president of the Confraria de Cachaça do Copo Furado, a group that meets monthly to talk about Brazil's indigenous spirit. I participated in one of their meetings when I vacationed in Rio in July 2008.

    This started me thinking about the basic question of whether cachaça in the U.S. is today where, say, tequila was some decades ago.

    So I decided to start this blog as a means to record and share the cachaça-related items I've been seeing day-to-day. I hope to be sharing recipes, impressions, and random thoughts as the U.S. continues to catch on to the potential for this particular spirit.

    Oh... The name? "Cachaçagora" is a portmanteau of "Cachaça" and "agora", which is the Portuguese word for "now". In Greek, "agora" also means public square. I hope to meet the expectations of both.


    cachacagora~~ at~~ gmail~~ dot~~ com

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