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September 08, 2008


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How did your distinguished panel react to the glassware choice? I would think that the tasting should be performed while using something akin to a brandy snifter so that the liquor can breath and the nose can be fully experienced. Also, I'm surprised that the panelists were nary to comment on the distinct color characteristics of each. Perhaps next time you could consider some food pairings as well.

Actually, the glassware is parallel with the usual experience of cachaça tasted neat -- often sipped from a shot-sized glass or a narrower, slightly taller glass called a "martelinho" ("Little hammer.")

"Food pairings" is a good idea. Perhaps a contest between dessert chefs to complement a particular cachaça?


I wish more people would do blind tastings; they are very fun, and a delight to read about too.

Keep it up!

Hey, Rick... Thanks for stopping by. I plan on doing these quarterly. Next one will probably be a collection of white cachaças.

The more i read your blog, the more interesting it gets.I haven`t yet been able to try so many cachacas as there aren`t many sold here.I haven`t yet tasted any that i would like to sip but i have enjoyed mixing.


Thanks for the kind note! Trust me... Good cachaças are on the way to pretty much anywhere. Part of it is asking your restaurant and bartender for it! Keep reading... I'll be reviewing more cachaças when I get back to the states.

hey there phil, im cousin of barril 39's producer, i just wanted to say that im honored to have our family's cachaça in 1st place and proud of my cousin's achievement. if you want to visit the farm in valença, rio de janeiro state, you're more than welcome there!

What's up Phil!?
I am Sergio, the producer of Cachaça Barril 39. As my cousin said above, I'm very honored of being part of your Blind Tasting.

I would be very happy if you come visit my Farm next time you come to Brazil.

Sergio, Felipe,

Wow, guys! Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you found me!

Yes, indeed. Barril 39 was the clear favorite. It was a gift from my sogros, who live in Rio.

I'll definitely let you guys know when I next go to Brazil!


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About Cachaçagora

  • Hi. My name is Phil Gomes. By day, I work at a public relations firm as its senior vice president of digital integration. I'm a proud SF East Bay native who currently lives in Chicago.

    I was introduced to cachaça by my wife, a Carioca. Her mom, in turn, is the president of the Confraria de Cachaça do Copo Furado, a group that meets monthly to talk about Brazil's indigenous spirit. I participated in one of their meetings when I vacationed in Rio in July 2008.

    This started me thinking about the basic question of whether cachaça in the U.S. is today where, say, tequila was some decades ago.

    So I decided to start this blog as a means to record and share the cachaça-related items I've been seeing day-to-day. I hope to be sharing recipes, impressions, and random thoughts as the U.S. continues to catch on to the potential for this particular spirit.

    Oh... The name? "Cachaçagora" is a portmanteau of "Cachaça" and "agora", which is the Portuguese word for "now". In Greek, "agora" also means public square. I hope to meet the expectations of both.


    cachacagora~~ at~~ gmail~~ dot~~ com

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