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July 14, 2008


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Hi Phil,

I work for the Telles family; fifth generation producers of Ypioca. I read your comments on Ypioca 160 which won double gold last year at the Tampa International Cane Spirit Festival. It is indeed a sipping cachaça that should be drank on ice or cold off the freezer box.
Indeed Ypioca has produced since 1846 a great variety of cachaças and our most popular six year old (with no malt added) are Ypioca 150 anniversary edition aged 3 years in Balm wood cask + 3 years in oak and Ypioca Rio aged 6 years in oak. These products unfortunately are not yet available in the US but we continue distributing our fine 2 year old Prata and Ouro (straw package) and Cristal aged one year in Brazilian walnut. As you might now 99% of cachaça is non-aged and we at Ypioca take great pride to be one of those few estate producers that age all their products 1-6 years. For additional information please contact me at

[email protected]
Christian Castren
Regional Manager Americas


Thanks for stopping by. Your comment was originally posted in the roundup of the Concierge.Com piece. I normally delete off-topic comments without notice, but I do want to make sure that Cachaçagora remains a place where makers and appreciators can come together.

In any case, I gotta call it as I taste it: The 160 (esp. with the addition of the malt) just seemed to try to do too much at once. It felt an unfocused effort.

Haven't tried the 150, but would certainly welcome it.

Thanks again for reading.

This thread is a little outdated but I have hope. I am trying to locate a bottle of this in the United States. I have been looking for over a year and a half and am still unable to find even one. I will admit that I am very new to locating anything online but this is something that I would really love to try. I saw it listed in the 50 best rums and would love to get a bottle or two. Any information or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.

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About Cachaçagora

  • Hi. My name is Phil Gomes. By day, I work at a public relations firm as its senior vice president of digital integration. I'm a proud SF East Bay native who currently lives in Chicago.

    I was introduced to cachaça by my wife, a Carioca. Her mom, in turn, is the president of the Confraria de Cachaça do Copo Furado, a group that meets monthly to talk about Brazil's indigenous spirit. I participated in one of their meetings when I vacationed in Rio in July 2008.

    This started me thinking about the basic question of whether cachaça in the U.S. is today where, say, tequila was some decades ago.

    So I decided to start this blog as a means to record and share the cachaça-related items I've been seeing day-to-day. I hope to be sharing recipes, impressions, and random thoughts as the U.S. continues to catch on to the potential for this particular spirit.

    Oh... The name? "Cachaçagora" is a portmanteau of "Cachaça" and "agora", which is the Portuguese word for "now". In Greek, "agora" also means public square. I hope to meet the expectations of both.


    cachacagora~~ at~~ gmail~~ dot~~ com

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